Equinoxx: An Origin Story

The Two Annual Equinoxes
Welcome to the new Oklahoma-based cannabis brand called Equinoxx. With a focus on our connection to our natural surroundings, we’re dedicated to providing down-to-earth plant medicine for medical marijuana patients throughout Oklahoma.
Every year, there are two equinoxes—one in the spring and one in autumn. These occur when the length of the day is equally balanced with the length of the night. The Spring Equinox, called Ostara, is a great time for planting seeds and setting intentions. We encourage patients to take this opportunity to think about where they would like their life journeys to go. As the Fall Equinox comes around, called Mabon, it’s time to think about the rewards we have reaped after working hard all summer. This is a period of harvest, for agriculturists and cannabis growers alike! The two annual equinoxes make the perfect bookends for the prime season of cannabis cultivation. Thus, we present Equinoxx.
As we reflect on the equinoxes and their significance in our daily lives, it’s important to remember how we can benefit from connectivity with the planetary and celestial worlds. Here at Equinoxx, we follow the stars. Are you familiar with your astrological sign? Well, we plan to celebrate each astrological season throughout the year. Follow our website and social media as we keep our eyes on the skies.
Equinoxx and Cannabis
As a natural medicine, Equinoxx reminds us we’re tied to the world around us, from the earth to the sky. As a new cannabis brand in Oklahoma, Equinoxx is dedicated to the practice of sustainable cultivation. This planet gives so much to us—medicines grow straight from the ground. We want to encourage all patients to give right back to this bountiful planet. Whether committing to recycling or planting a garden, we’re all participants in the health of our local ecosystems. We’re doing our best to stay eco-conscious on every level of our cannabis cultivation.
Equinoxx is a new kind of cannabis brand that emphasizes our natural roots. As we move through the celestial celebrations of equinoxes and solstices each year, we will keep our patients updated. We just passed the Summer Solstice, which encourages everyone to spend some time outside and with loved ones. To stay in tune with our natural surroundings, of course, means we also need to stay in tune with our local community. Perhaps that means an outdoor smoke sesh together!
Cannabis is as natural as our own bodies. That’s why we champion the notion of “Striking the Balance.” When you light up an Equinoxx cannabis product, you’re refocusing your body’s biological healing capabilities. As important as it is to participate in outdoor activities, it’s also important to remember that we don’t just “spend time” in nature. We are nature. Equinoxx strives to honor that principle in everything we do.

A New Cannabis Brand in Oklahoma
We’re excited to grow alongside this blooming medical marijuana industry. We hope you follow along our journey and intentionally participate in the natural world, just as we are striving to do. Looking forward to the season of your astrological sun sign? So are we! Let’s celebrate it together.